Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan will reportedly undergo treatment in the US for his eyes. For the unversedwjili, the 58-year-old actor suffered a heat stroke in May in Ahmedabad as he attended an IPL match of his team Kolkata Knight Riders. He was rushed to the hospital and discharged the next day. As per a report in Bollywood Hungama, he now needs medical attention for his eyes. Read on to know for more details.
The report stated that Shah Rukh Khan will leave for the US today, July 30. A source informed the portal, “Shah Rukh Khan had gone to a hospital in Mumbai on Monday, July 29 for an eye treatment. The treatment didn’t go as planned. SRK is now being rushed to the USA to rectify the damage.”
Shah Rukh Khan was admitted to KD Hospital in Ahmedabad due to severe dehydration after suffering a heat stroke on May 22. The incident occurred after he enjoyed the IPL match between his team Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) and Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) at the Narendra Modi stadium.
Later, SRK's manager Pooja Dadlani shared the first official statement on behalf of the actor. She wrote, "To all of Mr Khan's fans and well wishers - he is doing well. Thank you for your love, prayers and concern (sic)''.
On the work front, Khan was last seen in 'Dunki'. He will be reportedly seen in 'King' to be directed by Sujoy Ghosh and produced by 'Fighter' fame director Siddharth Anand. SRK's daughter Suhana Khan is also said to be part of the project and Abhishek Bachchan will reportedly play the antagonist. The official announcement of the film is yet to be made.
Meanwhilewjili, King Khan was honoured with a customised gold coin by Paris' Grevin Museum. He is the only Bollywood actor to have this special gold coin in his name at the museum.