Actor Gurucharan Singh of 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah' who played Roshan Singh Sodhi, reunited with his on-screen wife Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal from the show. On Tuesday, Jennifer took to her Instagram handle to share a video of their reunion. Both Gurucharan and Jennifer had left 'TMKOC' a few years back. Their reunion has created excitement among their fans and they want them back on the sitcom.
In the video shared by Jennifer, we see Gurucharan making a surprise appearance, and both looked so happy to meet again. This is the first time Gurucharan met Jennifer post his return after he went missing. Jennifer captioned the video, “Jab we met again!"
As soon as Jennifer dropped the heartwarming video, their fans started commenting. One user wrote, ''Roshan And Roshan Sodhi Best Jodi In Old TMKOC Episodes'' while another commented, ''Roshan and Roshan great jodi on screen''. One fan wrote, ''Best Jodi. There will never be a couple like Roshan & Roshan''. ''No one can replace this Jodi in TMKOC'', wrote another fan.
'TMKOC' Producer Asit Modi Refuses To Take Gurucharan Singh Back On The Show? Here's What We KnowMany demanded the 'same jodi' back on 'TMKOC'. One user wrote, ''This same Jodi we want on screen'' while another wrote, ''Vapis a jao ap dono show me''.
For the unversed, Gurucharan Singh went missing on April 22. Later, a kidnapping case was filed by the Delhi Police after his father filed a complaint. After nearly a month, he returned home safely on May 18.
In an interviewwith Bombay Times, Gurucharan opened up on why he went missing. He also clarified that it was not a publicity stunt.
He also said that he is now asking people from the industry to support him as he wants to do a lot of work. Singh said he wants to clear all his loans and debts and feels that can happen through his workbc88bet, and is ready to work hard. ''I have realised that I can continue my spiritual journey even while fulfilling my other responsibilities in life,” he said.